
It’s International Women’s Day: March 8, 2013

Not all women have the same story to tell. Their experiences are different, and so are their reproductive needs.  Join ASAP this Women’s Day, and walk in the shoes of women whose needs have become marginalized.

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Women’s Day Special: Reproductive Needs Of Marginalized Women 

An Old Profession Fights For Its Rights:

Sex work has been one of the oldest professions in history and yet today sex workers – both male and female – are finding themselves having to fight very hard to get legitimacy for their profession. Their position in society compromises their rights to health. Once such right is the right to safe abortion.

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Women In Conflict Zones:

As the very nature of conflict changes from armed wars fought between nations to chemical warfare aimed at ethnic groups within the country or to economic battles fought in capitalistic markets, it has become very important to ask ourselves how these conflicts affect women. How is their access to resources — already limited by patriarchal societies — further curtailed by conflicts? Can these women see a doctor when they are sick? Can they choose if and when to become a mother?

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Two Sides Of The Same Coin? 

For middleclass women neoliberalism and globalization present an unprecedented trend. If they were once marginalized because of rigid social hierarchies that chose to treat them as a second, less important person within their own homes, they now have the means to negotiate their position in the society and at their homes. But while it might seem like women are able to gain power within the existing economic framework, it is really worth questioning if neoliberalism numbs feministic motives to question patriarchy and any ideas of masculinity that it engenders.

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The Female Immigrant: What Are Her Reproductive Rights

Women in these groups suffer discrimination on three fronts: gender, class and their immigration status,and very often they are victims of violence sex crimes. What happens if they want to choose an abortion?

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