What is the International Campaign for Women’s Right to Safe Abortion?
The Asia Safe Abortion Partnership was one of the founding members of the International Campaign.
The International Campaign for Women’s Right to Safe Abortion is a Campaign involving over 1200 international, regional and national organizations, groups and individuals across 117 countries who support safe abortion as a woman’s right on both public health and human rights grounds. The campaign brings together civil society and other groups working towards improving access to safe and legal abortion, and creates a visible, legitimate and active forum for sharing information, strategizing for action, and capacity building for advocacy.
The aims of the Campaign are:
As regional partner, ASAP continues to promote the campaign and it’s principles across Asia. The Partnership, through our work actively supports national work to create support at the grassroots level.
To find out more about the campaign, visit the campaign’s website at: http://www.safeabortionwomensright.org/
If you wish to sign up to the campaign and be a part of the expanding global network of safe abortion advocates, you can do so here: http://www.safeabortionwomensright.org/about/join-the-campaign/