Rajvi Goradia, Youth Champion

Fact 1: Postpartum hemorrhage is one of the leading causes of maternal mortality.

Question 1: Why must somebody who is not even ready to have a child be subject to that statistic?





Fact 2: There are so many horrible things happening in the world. Human trafficking where girls are being sold for sex, slavery and so many other unmentionable things

Question 2 : Wouldn’t a safe abortion would be a relief for so many rape victims who have already experienced enough unsafe treatment? Do they need a daily reminder of the rape by being forced continue the pregnancy?



Fact 3: Every woman has the right to life and every government has the duty to protect it.

Question 3 : When women are forced to have unsafe abortions, does the government take responsibility if something goes wrong?


Fact 4: Safe abortion is one of the safest medical procedures a woman can have.

Question 4 : Abortion has been such a controversial subject but why is SAFE abortion harming anybody? How is it different from any other consensual medical procedure? Why should it not be treated like any other surgical/medical practice that occurs?



The ASAP Youth Advocacy Institute I attended has taught me a lot of about how the procedure of Safe Abortion works. There are so many countries in which abortion rates have decreased due to advancement of technology. But it requires so much more than that; a change in mindsets, a change in laws, a change in the attitude of health practitioners.

To achieve that, awareness has to be raised in every way possible about how harmful unsafe abortions are, how we should respect a woman’s choice to know what is wrong or right for her life.

Safe abortion should not be a rare opportunity that some lucky woman who matches all the criteria gets. It should be within every woman’s birth right because that is what any human being should get.



Fact 5: People must know how important it is to understand that at the end of the day, they are not responsible for whatever choice the woman makes. It is her life that will be affected.

Question 5 : She is a human after all, isn’t she? Or do her human rights get stripped away because of an unborn foetus?


In conclusion, all my point is that criminalizing abortion only stops women from getting safe abortions. And it is every women’s right to access safe abortion, no matter why, where or when.
