
Tweet With Us on September 28!!!

On September 28, join the Asia Safe Abortion Partnership for a Tweetathon – a marathon tweeting session – on the access to safe abortions across Asia and the World.

Tell us what a safe abortion means to you? What stands between a woman, and a safe abortion in your country? What prevents governments from legalizing abortions, or liberalizing laws? Can a woman access an abortion clinic without fearing harassment or stigma? How should we counter religious fundamentalism? Do women in your region have access to accurate information on abortions?

Our #tag for the event is #AbortionRts

Is a Tweetathon something new to you? Don’t worry, it’s really simple! Follow us on Twitter (@asapasia), and tweet us opinions, comments and facts from your part of the world. Don’t forget to use #AbortionRts in your message. We’ll retweet your thoughts to our followers. Do respond to messages and keep the conversation going.

We are hoping to be online between 10 a.m. and 11 a.m. Indian Standard Time , and then again at 2p.m. and 4p.m. Indian Standard Time (That is GMT + 5:30) to moderate the tweets. Do these times sound fine to our partners and followers across Asia and the Pacific. Let us know by commenting on this blog, writing to us on Twitter (@asapasia), or emailing us on discussions.asap@gmail.com !

If you are in Europe or in the U.S., you can join Ipas at noon EST (GMT – 4:00). Do read more about it on their website.

We hope this Tweetathon will unite pro-choice organizations across borders, help us share information and experiences, and amplify our demands for safe abortions! Relevant, insightful comments will help us understand these barriers better, and address them in our blogs, and upcoming workshops!

But first , do endorse the campaign using the survey, and follow us on Twitter @asapasia !!

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