When I was selected to participate on the 4th Youth Advocacy Institute (YAI) at Colombo, Sri Lanka, my happiness knew no bounds. I was delighted to read through the email about my selection. This opportunity meant broadening my knowledge on women’s health issue and safe abortion practices.

Prior to my participation at the Youth Advocacy Institute, I knew very little about safe abortion practices, their implications on women’s health, and the Advocacy Institute itself. I was little biased regarding pro-life vs. pro-choice stances as I was brought up under the strict patriarchy framework, and I was told to believe that abortion was an unforgiveable sin. My professional and my personal beliefs had at times confused me. Other times, publicity on anti-abortion made me uncomfortable. Although my country has legalized safe abortion for some time now, it fails to provide the full details, and my quest for knowledge is unfulfilled. So, what could be a better place to get answers to my question than the Youth Advocacy Institute ?

After attending the 4th Youth Advocacy Institute in Colombo, Sri Lanka, not only have my questions been answered but also my thoughts, perception and knowledge about pro-choice, safe abortion and women’s health has changed and broadened. I now believe more on the women’s right on making decision about her own health then the debate of pro-life and pro-choice. In fact, prolife and prochoice should not even be a debatable topic. Someone’s political or social belief should not interfere on someone else’s health.

Antonym of pro-choice is not a pro-life; it is in fact an anti-choice. Anti-choice advocacy groups hide under the banner of pro-life, and deny women for their basic human rights– the right to make their own decision about their own health. Pro-choice means women have more right to decide about her own body than any other individual in her life. Choices do not exist in vacuum; they are operated in certain environment. Such environment could mean the choice between her life and continuing the pregnancy. What she chooses to do under such circumstance should be her decision alone and no one’s business. Pro-life and pro-choice are not independent and antithesis, they are actually dependent. Pro-choice allows women to take the matter on their own hand, rather than a political debate interfering in her life.

Although my country is signatory to various treaties related to women’s health and women’s right, it troubles me to see how little my country has done to actually abide by these signatures. I have personally witnessed society prohibits women from exercising her right and shames her on the decision.

Last but not the least I learned that I could disseminate this information, knowledge I gained from this institute, across the general community by utilizing existing social media platform and so, here I am!