ASAP's Events

The Youth Advocacy Institute: A Quick Recap

We’ve been writing formal reports of the Institute this week for our members and donors, and we are actually proud to have completed our first Youth Advocacy Institutes. Our feedback shows that the young participants learned a lot from our sessions on abortion, rights, interpersonal communication and social media.

We blogged about the sessions and you can take a look at the details of each day using the links below:


We also have several images from the workshop on our Facebook Page. We tweeted updates from the Institute using the hashtag #ASAPYAI.

But of course our journey does not end here. We have decided to set up a closed Facebook group for our participants, and will communicate with them by email and Skype. We will also continue to mentor them as they formulate the action plan, and put execute it. We hope that they will turn into bloggers and social media experts, who will share the information they garner to wide audiences.

We will continue to feature their achievements on this blog.

For regular updates from ASAP please subscribe to our blog.


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